When Valentine’s Day rolls around, partnered or no, many a young man or woman’s fancy lightly turns to…chocolate. It’s everywhere, and the only thing more pervasive than the gigantic red and pink lacy hearts everywhere are the chocolates in every shape and size littering the shelves of stores. While some have thoughtfully provided a map to navigate past the cavity-locating traps that are affectionately referred to as “maple sugar”, others leave you in the lurch with nothing but a poking finger to destroy the bottoms and an archaic code you found on the interwebz.
Personally, I prefer my chocolate to come in viking hat form, jauntily perched on my partner’s wang. I think, given a chance, you would too.
The awesome folks at www.ChocolatePartyHats.com , whose wares I have previously (and happily!) reviewed here, have offered up a virtual choco-penis-chapeau smorgasbord to my terribly lucky readers. Made of decadent callebaut chocolate, a dark imported Belgian variety, these are not melted and molded hershey confections – these are more like truffle oil, or fine champagne when placed beside those valentines candies. You will not be sorry, cause god knows I was not. This is the best chocolate I’ve ever had in my life, in a life that has contained substantial amounts of said chocolate.
I have three viking hat styles and two cowboy hat styles generously offered to my readers for their gourmet gropes and nibbling pleasures, I’m happy to say. The only caveat is that the winner must be in the US – I apologize to my delightful Canadian readers, but the cost of shipping to ya’ll is higher than the cost of the product, sadly.
If you’d like to enter, please leave a comment below with the style you’re interested in. Five winners will be randomly drawn on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9th.
And the winners, chosen via random.org, are 6,4,11,1, and 5 – Congrats to Lilly, Mia, Chuck, Kaijah and Angel! Please email your mailing information along with your style choice (in case I forget!) to me at [email protected] so I can get your chocolate nomminess on the way to you. Everyone else, thank you for playing - If you’d like a chocolate party hat now, they’ve set up a coupon code for 25% off for you guys! Just enter “ThatToyChick” at checkout to receive your discount.
OMG. XD I’ve never seen these before – that viking hat is made of amazing. Chocolate warrior peen? Yes plx.
Kaijah, you are a winner! Please email me with your mailing information. Thanks
I’d love a viking hat one, please. I’d also like to hug whomever invented said product that combines two of my favorite things…Chocolate and bjs
Thank you for playing – if you’d like to buy a Chocolate Party Hat, just head to http://www.ChocolatePartyHats.com and use code “ThatToyChick” for 25% off
I totally would love the viking hat. It’s so awesomely cute!
Thank you for playing – if you’d like to buy a Chocolate Party Hat, just head to http://www.ChocolatePartyHats.com and use code “ThatToyChick” for 25% off
OMG, I would die laughing…which would probably not be good for “stiffness” sake, but I want the Viking hat. LOL
Mia, you are a winner! Please email me with your mailing information. Thanks
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Oh my *giggling* how cute and what a great yummy idea. Ooh I can’t decide between the hats *looking at them both giggling again* My sweetie likes me to ride him, so the Cowboy hat would be the most suitable then. So was it a girl or a guy that came up with this? Who ever it was I love their naughty creative mind
Angel, you are a winner! Please email me with your mailing information. Thanks
It’s silly, but sex is never supposed to always be such serious business. Plus I’ve craving *good* chocolate like you wouldn’t believe. Given the absolute divine heaven my hub seemed to be in when his cock was covered in both gelato and icing, and my subsequent licking, I think he’d love this as much as me!!
I’ll try a cowboy one, little lady.
Lilly, you are a winner! Please email me with your mailing information. Thanks
The chocolate cowboy hat is adorable! Perfect for my cowboy hubby! Wish I would’ve known about this contest sooner! ^-^ I’m just barely making it in! lol
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/TruePleasures/status/8819426375
Thank you for playing – if you’d like to buy a Chocolate Party Hat, just head to http://www.ChocolatePartyHats.com and use code “ThatToyChick” for 25% off
I would be very interested in a viking hat! My boyfriend would love this.
Thank you for playing – if you’d like to buy a Chocolate Party Hat, just head to http://www.ChocolatePartyHats.com and use code “ThatToyChick” for 25% off
WOW. lol. I love my hardcore hubby and his penis of steel, so I would just LOOoVe to have him adorned as a viking to show off his strength and Might! Love it!
Thanks for the contest, also, very awesome of you and the company!
Thank you for playing – if you’d like to buy a Chocolate Party Hat, just head to http://www.ChocolatePartyHats.com and use code “ThatToyChick” for 25% off
I’d LOVE one of the cowboy hat style ones. I grew up on the farm and my wife loves seeing me in my hat and boots. Imagine if i could suprise her in bed with my boots and two hats on!
Chuck, you are a winner! Please email me with your mailing information. Thanks