Happy HNT – Halloween Edition!

Allo everyone – in honor of halloween, I’ve decided to give my boobs a genetic upgrade via some cyberskin body parts I had kicking around on my desk. I can has two vulvas and a mouth in my cleavage [...]

Vixen Creations – NYC Sex Blogger Raffle Swag and SECRET NEW TOYS!

Adding to the already impressive list of raffle items that will be garnering money for
Sex Work Awareness, Vixen Creations is putting up two Goodfella Dildos (with special testicles that hang outside of the harness for more realism! Squee!) – one in a fleshy vanilla color and another in a deeper caramel color, and a very awesome (and ridiculously close to the real thing) packer named Mr. Right in [...]

Weird Sex Toys O' The Week #2 – "Weird Stuff To Put In Your Mouth" Edition

While I did not have as many *incredibly* strange things this week as I did last week, there’s still a few that need to be displayed to the public for proper wtf-age. Gags and Lambs, for your [...]

55 Fiction – Sex Blogger Style!

Okay, for those of you unfamiliar with the genre, 55 fiction is basically a story in exactly 55 words (I use the rules version that doesn’t count the title, mind.) In the vein of so-called espresso stories, 55 fiction produces playful and easily digestible pieces of micro-lit, much like twitter does for blogging.

Without further ado, [...]

I'm on a silicone kick…

So I discovered an AWESOME silicone company that manufactures here in the US.

Thankfully, I rooted them out *after* I left youknowwhere, so they will be deprived of the bitchin’ toys this company puts out. Would it be vindictive to make exclusion of the aforementioned a qualification of becoming this company’s liaison to the industry? Hmmm. [...]

Against the Grain – An original and (woefully unedited) erotica piece.

God help her, she loved it.

Loved it. She laughed with a false, hollow sound when “the girls” would talk about how they used it, wielded it against their hapless partners to get this bauble or that favor, suffered through it to keep their men placid.

They talked about fantasizing about the openly handsome men, [...]

Why I'm a Dork…

Through a series of events a big long to ‘esplain, yours truly has many, many large boxes of sex toys in her bedroom, literally floor to ceiling, that must be gone through and inventoried, so I that may begin to sell them. Some have ripped packages, but all are new toys.

eBay was the original choice, [...]

Tagged like a blouse on clearance…

I get to throw my hat in the ring for the latest viral survey making the rounds, courtesy of the gorgeous Butterfly Temptress.

The Rules-
* Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog – some random, some weird.
* Tag 7 people at the [...]

Happy HNT! (My Very First)

Being a HNT virgin that was thoughtfully schooled in the concept by the always-marvelous Essin’ Em, I’m posting my very first pic, taken with a crappy cameraphone while trying to juggle 800 pound boobs. I’m a triple D, so it’s no small feat! My batty buddy decided to hitch a ride in honor of Halloween [...]

On meeting celebrities…

I never know what to do with myself. I think I come across as one of those annoying people that attaches, leech-like, to anything remotely famous. In reality, I’m just utterly taken with anyone with the ability to inspire others, and have a bad habit of staring to see the intricacies with which they commit [...]